On the one hand, the article discusses the institutional problem of the functionality of the current economic mechanism in Russia in relation to housing and communal services as a sector of the economy. On the other hand, there is the problem of the failure of the social mechanism for the development of housing and communal services on the example of the sphere of collective management of apartment buildings. The discourse of the work is set by the early studies of the founders of the Novosibirsk School of Economics and Sociology (NSES) T.I. Zaslavskaya and R.V. Ryvkina, devoted to the social mechanisms of economic development and the transformation of Russian society as a whole.


economic mechanism,

social mechanism,

housing reform,

institutional failure,

collective management,

apartment house,

tragedy of condominiums.

Cite As (APA): Litvintsev D.B. (2022). Institutional failure of economic and social mechanisms for the development of housing and communal services in Russia. Strategies and mechanisms of regional development: Collection of materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, Samara, November 17, 2022. Under the general editorship of N. M. Tyukavkin. Samara: Samara Humanitarian Academy. P. 38-40. (In Russ.).

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