The paper addresses the problem of refusal of owners of residential property in Russian condominiums from taking part in general meetings on issues relating to maintenance and use of shared property. The situation of organizations providing management of condominiums under conditions when the consumer determines the cost of maintenance and services is analyzed. In the course of analysis of secondary data (State statistics of the Russian Federation, results of the All-Russian sociological research “Awareness of Russian Citizens of the Housing and Public Utilities Reform” conducted by the All-Russia Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM) in June 2019 and the results of the psychological research “Dormitory Density and Helping Behavior” conducted by Bickman L. and Teger A. in the USA) the authors propose a number of hypotheses which require further discussion and confirmation. The first hypothesis is related to the influence of the size of a condominium (number of apartments, floors and porches) on the refusal of owners to participate in general meetings. The second hypothesis involves the use of such an adaptive model as Beyond Budgeting (the twelve principles of which were formulated by Hope J. and Fraser P.) in the management of condominiums in order to circumvent the current restrictions on the housing and communal services market in Russia.
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Цитировать (ГОСТ): Litvintsev, D. B. Condos in Russia: Socio-Economic Aspect / D. B. Litvintsev, L. A. Osmuk, G. P. Litvintseva // Advances in economics, business and management research : Proccedings of the "New Silk Road: Business Cooperation and Prospective of Economic Development" (NSRBCPED 2019), St. Petersburg, 07–08 ноября 2019 года. – St. Petersburg: Atlantis Press, 2019. – P. 206-212.
doi 10.2991/aebmr.k.200324.039 EDN JCNLEF PDF Читать статью