The article proposes an author’s interpretation of the concept of alienation of the work of developers, which became the result of the privatization of housing in Russia. Two strategies for the struggle of developers with the alienation of apartment buildings related to the creation of affiliated management organizations and partnerships of homeowners were identified and described. The purpose of the negative strategy is to evade the performance of warranty obligations, the cost of maintaining unsold premises, etc. A positive strategy involves maintaining a positive image and reputation of the developer in the housing market in order to stimulate sales. The conclusion is made on the need to improve institutional mechanisms for regulating the construction industry aimed at preventing the implementation of a negative strategy.



  • alienation of labor,
  • unscrupulous developer,
  • apartment house,
  • housing owners,
  • housing relations.


Cite As (APA): Litvintsev D.B. (2022). Why the developer cannot “part up” with an apartment building, or as developers confront the alienation of the results of their labor. Materials of the XV International Scientific and Technical Conday “Actual issues of architecture and construction ". Novosibirsk: NGASU (Sibstrin). P. 229-233. (In Russ.).


 doi  10.32683/978-5-7795-0944-2-2022-229-233      EDN  KRFTOF      PDF  Read in Russian