Online games for PC are a frequent object of research in various social sciences and humanities, which is due to the special interest in the forms and practices of social in-game interaction, which have their own specifics. This article presents the results of a sociological analysis of mobility and immobility practices in the online computer game Rust, which is a popular survival simulator in the open world. The object of the study was numerous videos with recordings of the gameplay on the YouTube platform. The analysis is based on the idea of the role of the house (dwelling), its functions and inseparable connection with the trajectories of in-game mobility, considered in the discourse of the theory of J. Urry. In the course of the analysis, the studied practices were compared with various strategies of interaction between the players in the conditions of the repeated prisoner's dilemma - constant cooperation, constant killings, tit-for-tat and "never forget". Particular attention is paid to the typology of houses (including the trap house, parasite house) and their architecture as a means of social communication between the players, as well as the practices of caravanning, door camping and roof camping. In conclusion, the possibility of extending the findings to similar games of the genre is noted and the prospects for further research are determined.



  • game studies,
  • housing sociology,
  • survival simulation, RUST,
  • mobility, immobility,
  • door camping, roof camping,
  • prisoner's dilemma,
  • social interaction


Cite As (APA): Litvintsev D.B. (2022). House as a Determinant of Mobility and Immobility Practices in Online Computer Games (on the Example of the Survival Simulator "Rust"). Kulʹtura i tehnologii, vol. 7, no. 2, p. 86–94. (In Russ).


 doi  10.17586/2587-800X-2022-7-2-86-94      EDN  CMYHYG      PDF  Read in Russian