The article raises the problem of trust in one of the socio-economic institutions in modern Russian society - the institution of the general meeting of owners of an apartment building. The methodological basis of the study is sociological principles and approaches that allow the possibility of expressing feelings (one of which is trust) to social institutions. The work used the results of predominantly foreign studies of the problem of institutional trust, as well as UN data. In the course of the study, the institution of a general meeting of owners of an apartment building was considered as a place for the manifestation of horizontal democracy, as a quasi-person, and also as the holder of discretionary powers. In the course of analyzing the available data and theories, the article makes a comparison with the conditions and problems of the functioning of the institution of the general meeting of owners of an apartment building in Russia. Based on the identified factors and taking into account the classification of drivers of trust by J. Kavanagh et al., relevant recommendations are proposed aimed at strengthening trust in this institution, which will ultimately help to increase its functionality in the conditions of Russian reality.


  • housing sociology,
  • housing policy,
  • social institution,
  • trust in institutions,
  • general meeting,
  • homeowners,
  • apartment building.

Cite As (APA): Litvintsev D.B. (2022). General Meeting of Apartment Building Owners: How to Increase Institutional Trust? Philosophy of Economy, no. 5, p. 241-253. (In Russ.).

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